I had a lucid dream and I asked the dream for an image for my logo.
Lo and behold this image popped out of my left forearm, a red blue and green dinoapple. My first thought in the dream was “this has to be a joke.” I awoke both terrified. Terrified because I know when I ask for dreams I have to listen to it. What the hell was I going to do with this image? Could I really use it as my logo? Plus what did the image want from me?
I worked with a “branding expert” who told me “You can’t use that image for your logo, nobody will understand it, plus what does it EVEN mean?”
Well I didn’t listen to her. I mean, couldn’t I use a logo because I liked it? And because IT CAME TO ME IN A DREAM THAT I ASKED FOR! Then, as I started dressing up as the image, acting out AS IT, my life began to transform. Dreams change us, if we let them. Listening to what it had to say, there is so much wisdom packed in one tiny image. This poem is just one of its many insights, I will share more as we work together.
I’m curious, what does this image evoke in you? Drop me an email and let me know!
We need to do things differently. We need to do things differently. We need to do things differently. Repeat that over and over and over.
B.A. Sociology, Graduated with honors, Magna Cum Laude, University of Colorado, Boulder
M.A. Counseling, Graduated with honors, Regis University
Post Masters Certificate in Transformative Counseling, Regis University
License, Certifications & Awards
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC)
Additional Training
CERT (Community Emergency Response Training)
I have completed two introductory trainings in Shamanic Journeying
January 2013-December 2013: The Sacred Call of the Healer: A year long Shamanic training with Julie Kramer.
Professional Activities and Memberships
American Counseling Association
Colorado Counseling Association
International Association for the Study of Dreams

Some of us get hit hard in life and I’ve had many ass kickers.
- A traumatic childhood which included the death of a parent to alcoholism
- Being severely bullied and having to switch schools as a child
- Depression that rocked my teens, 20’s and 30’s,
- Addiction that spread insidiously beyond substances into relationships and workaholism
- Debilitating injury that abruptly ended my soccer career and made it so I could never run again
- A 12 plus year run of chronic illness and chronic pain
Also, I’m a natural disrupter,
and truth teller so I’ve often been rejected by social circles and dominate culture that refuses to be uncomfortable, seeking to bypass reality.
And, as I read over that list I wouldn’t change ANY OF IT.
Not one thing. If I had a magic wand, I wouldn’t take any of it away. Because I take everything on that list and work with it as a teacher. I sought out support really early in my adulthood and I stayed after it. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help of my therapists, guides, mentors and communities. Nobody can do the work for us, but we can’t do it alone either! I am who I am because of what I’ve gone through and I like who I am, I don’t want to be anyone other then me.
Here’s what I’ve learned.
These obstacles are not the problem in my life, they are my life.
I’m healing emotional patterns and wounds that are generations old, it’s not for the faint of heart, yet the work makes for a rich and purposeful life. There is more out there then just us, dreams are a powerful access point to a deep and interconnected life
I had to learn to be gentle with my body beyond its limits, to set boundaries to prioritize my care over others, to harness my sensitivities as a superpower instead of letting them take me out. I’ve had to learn to feel the deep pain I carry inside of me, so I can release it. I’ve had to regulate my nervous system so it’s not responding from fight or flight place anymore. I have to take ownership of my life so I no longer act out of past wounds. I’ve let go of identities, reinvented myself over and over again. I continue to let go all the time. I take risks. I’m here to be fully and completely alive. And I will help you do the same.
Right now I’m learning to fight less and rest more. I’m learning that we can have ease and “progress.” I’m trusting I can work steadily on what matters without struggling. These are all important lessons because we have a lot of work ahead of us and I’m here to do the work without struggling through it.
I’m a natural disrupter. I disrupt myself so I can grow. I disrupt people around me when they need to wake up. I disrupt the status quo just by showing up as myself. If we work together, I assure you, our work will be disruptive. But that is the only way change happens.
I’ve always been a fighter but my strength lies as much in my vulnerability and sensitivity as it does in my will power and determination. I’m strong and sensitive, tricky and brilliant combo.
I’m here to shine a light in the darkness. To illuminate the shadows so we can heal and release patterns that have been carried forward for generations. As I heard someway say, It may run in the family, but this is where it runs out.
I’m not afraid of the dark, because we can always find a path by the moonlight to carry us through. I will be a guide for you through the dark, through your unconscious, through the heaviness you wish to release. I am your moonlight, until you see the moonlight within and discover other moonlights along the way. Ultimately you are the only one who can change your life, but we all need support, as humans we are designed for connection.
Together we will excavate what needs to be released.
Working with me isn’t only about personal change. That is just the access point. Its about stepping into a greater leadership role in your family, at work, in your community. Becoming an expansive version of yourself so that you can create a ripple effect everywhere.
You will be asked to look under the rug at things you didn’t even know were there. You will be asked to feel deep feelings that you have avoided, so you can be free of them. You will be asked to take ownership of your life acknowledging where you are hiding and avoiding being seen.
My work will help you initiate a personal revolution.
One of the best compliments I ever received was from the husband of one of my clients. He reached out to me to say “Thank you for all the work you have done for OUR family, it means so much to me”
I had never met him, only knew his wife, my client. But she changed and revolutionized how she related to herself and therefore her family felt the ripple effect and was revolutionized as well.